Stop violence against kids!
Yeah, stop violence against children or help us making it disappear!
the UNICEF inspired me to mix between my talent and charity so I decided to make a " charity photo session " which was to the awareness of violence against kids .. I'm really impressed to make a change about this case .. I made out these photographs just to make people around me and those who see my photographs to feel how serious is this case and how important is it to " Stop violence against kids".
Introduction video:
Violence against kids could be at home with the family, at school by teachers, community by people!
Violence against kids could be at home with the family, at school by teachers, community by people!
Notice that all these marks on the kid's body and face are fake (using photoshop).
Real tears ..
"Just because you can't see violence against children, doesn't mean it isn't there." Liam Neeson
behind the scenes: